About Us

Who We Are
Royal Family KIDS (RFK) transforms communities by interrupting cycles of neglect, abuse and abandonment of children in the foster care system. We fulfill our mission by providing an array of programs, all directed toward changing the trajectory of young lives which usually include a combination of academic failure, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, sex trafficking, homelessness, and incarceration.
Royal Family KIDS of Lancaster County is a local non-profit organization who provides the opportunity for children who have been abused and neglected to attend this 5-day summer camp designed specifically for foster children. We are led by Christ-followers who share a common goal with people of goodwill in caring for those Jesus referred to as, “The least of these.” In our case, children of neglect, abuse, and abandonment. Our Christian faith is woven into everything that we do as a response to Jesus Christ’s call to love and serve.

How we started
Royal Family KIDS Camp has been around in Nebraska since the late 90s. Mission Nebraska, a Christian based college ministry here in Lincoln, visited a RFKC camp hosted by a church in Hastings, NE in 2000. They brought the idea back to Lincoln and approached several churches with the idea of starting a Royal Family KIDS Camp in Lincoln. Mission Nebraska would fund the endeavor for a year and provide some of the volunteers but wanted to do a hand-off to some sponsoring churches in the following year. In the early spring of 2001, at least five churches agreed to put an item in their church bulletins seeking adults who would be willing to give a week of time to serve at a camp for abused and neglected kids in the Lincoln area. Mission Nebraska provided two weekends of training, purchased all of the materials needed and handled the arrangements of finding kids through HHHS. For all intents and purposes, 90% of the people at camp that summer (all kids and most adults) were totally new to this and it was a week of trusting Jesus as never before.
How it’s going
Royal Family KIDS of Lancaster is stronger than ever! We have dedicated volunteers that sacrifice a week in the summer for camp every year and campers that not only love their God-filled week but come back as volunteers when they’re old enough! In 2013 we launched our RFK Club, a mentoring program for those same kids we care for at camp. Instead of having to say “Goodbye” after camp, we now get to say “See you later” to many of our kids! Royal Family Kids of Lancaster has grown tremendously in the hands of God. With all this growing, we’re always looking for more help! See ways you can get involved in this ministry.
We have plenty of opportunities for involvement, whether you can make it to camp or not!
Have a question for us? Use our contact form to reach out. We’d love to hear from you!